If you are looking at this site, you are most likely looking for someone you identify with to help you with whatever you are struggling with right now. This first step is the hardest. It can be unsettling when you realize you are facing something bigger than you or just too complex to sort out on your own.
As a psychotherapist, my goal is to help you uncover the root cause of your situation. From there, we can answer the why and then when that’s done, we can identify options for moving forward and the best way to do so.
There is no “one size fits all” therapeutic process. Every client I see is different, and so is my approach. What does remain constant, however, is my belief that underneath it all, we are all human and have the same set of basic needs; security, love, nourishing food, movement, nature, and community with others. My approach is holistic, meaning I look at everything that is contributing to your well-being or lack thereof. We all make mistakes and get off track, but sometimes we lose our way completely and need a hand to find our way. I have had the privilege of holding the hands of many people until they were ready to walk on their own again.
Whether you're looking for just a little extra support and guidance through a challenging situation, you’re ready to move in a new direction in your life, or you are experiencing uncomfortable mental health symptoms, I look forward to working with you and helping you to find your “self” again and from there, lead you back to the path of a peaceful and joyful life.
About Barbara Bourgeois 
Barbara Bourgeois is a licensed professional counselor specializing in individual and couples counseling, and maintains a private practice in Mystic, CT. Utilizing the concept of radical honesty, Barbara assists her clients with finding their own truth and from there works to eliminate the psychological barriers and obstacles which stand in the way, enabling each person to live their most authentic and joy filled life.
Sometimes we just need a hand, someone who if only for a moment, can see more clearly than we can.
As a somatic therapist, I often ask, “Where do you feel that…?” I believe our body knows before our brain does, in fact our brain sometimes tries to talk our body out of what it knows and this is where the trouble starts. What most people don’t know is that we are equipped with the ability to know what we need, yet we often override these internal messages with reason and defensiveness. In therapy, we give voice to the body and we work to quiet the brain and see what happens…tiny miracles!